Habitat for Humanity is a partnership, not a giveaway program—Habitat’s homeowner families buy the houses that Habitat builds and renovates. Habitat homeowners also invest hundreds of hours of their own labor working alongside volunteers. As a result, Habitat for Humanity houses are affordable to low-income families around the world.
Habitat for Humanity Capital Region’s mission is to build strength, stability, self-reliance, and shelter.
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, community, and hope.
Habitat for Humanity Capital Region is a nonprofit organization that helps people build and improve places to call home in Eaton and Ingham counties, Michigan. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities.
Habitat was founded on the conviction that everyone deserves a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. During our 30+ year history in Greater Lansing, Habitat Capital Region has provided direct housing services to over 1,000 families through affordable homeownership, home repair, and ramp installation programs.