The season of Advent, in which we prepare and wait for Christ to be born, begins next Sunday. I am very excited that we are once again partnering with A Sanctified Art for one of their sermon series. This year the theme of our Advent/Epiphany season is “Close to Home.” This is what one of their pastorists (pastor + artist) had to say about the series:
“In developing this series, it has become abundantly clear that the theme of home intersects with the full range of human experience. Home can be soothing and sacred or unsettling and painful. It can be grounding and particular, or it can feel hard to name or pin down. It can be invitational and warm, or it can poke at wounds of exclusion and displacement. For some, home can be the source of war, stolen lands, or economic loss. We navigate this tension of comfort and unsettledness in the season of Advent. In the midst of cheery holiday celebrations, grief and nostalgia may become unwelcome guests. We give thanks for the gifts and blessings of our lives, while longing for the dreams that are not yet realized. We celebrate the closeness of a God who chooses to dwell with us, while remembering what that closeness will cost: Jesus will face displacement, marginalization, suffering, and, ultimately, death. No matter if this season brings great comfort and joy, or hits a bit too close to home, may we remember that God is also just as close.”—Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity, Founding Creative Partner
I look forward to worshipping with you this season either in person or online as we welcome the Christ child into our hearts and homes.
There are many ways you can join us:
Worship. Join us for worship each Sunday. Services begin at 10 a.m. live and on YouTube.
On Dec. 16, we will have a Blue Christmas/Longest Night service for those who are mourning this season.
On Dec. 24, there will be a Christmas Eve service at 5 p.m.
We invite all ages to join us after worship on Sundays as we discuss our Advent theme “Close to Home” and the ways that God draws near to us and makes a home on earth. We will be using the Advent devotionals to guide our time together.
For those who would like to join us by Zoom, the link will be available in our Saturday email or by contacting the church.
On Dec. 12, we will make Gingerbread Houses together. Join us after the service–all supplies will be provided.
On Dec. 19, we will gather at the church at 3 p.m. and go Christmas caroling.

12 Days of Giving
We know right now that many are struggling. Our call as followers of Christ is to help others. The Mission Committee has put together a 12 days of Christmas list of organizations that you might consider giving to this holiday season. You can also make a donation on someone else’s behalf rather than giving them an item this year. Visit this page to see a list of all the organizations and learn more about them.
This year’s Advent devotional is from A Sanctified Art. We hope it aids you in your own personal time of prayer. They are availalbe in the Narthex. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact Bridgette via email or phone and she will send one to you.