Thank you for the widespread expressions of love, prayer and care for our Michigan State and East Lansing area community.
UKirk at Michigan State Presbyterian Campus Ministry and our partner churches are working on ways to support the MSU Community in the days, weeks, and months to come. We are currently working on care packages for students and gift cards for staff members closest to the horrific events on Monday night, February 13. There will be more concrete steps to come as ongoing needs and expressions of care are offered.
If you would like to help, we have set up an “MSU Care” Fund, and all donations will go directly toward helping students, staff, and faculty as ongoing needs emerge.

You can give by writing a check to Eastminster Presbyterian Church putting “MSU Care” in the memo line or give on the link above, giving to the “MSU Care” Fund.
If you would like to help with other concrete needs please reach out to Neil Myer, UKirk Campus Minister (, or call 517-337-0893 and we can help give you some ideas as needs continue to emerge.
Thank you for your love, support and response. We are grateful. We are here to embody the love of Jesus Christ for the long haul ahead.