Donations Needed!
Advent House is is need of the following donations for their weekend shelter and for personal needs. There are baskets in the Green Room at the church for you to drop off any of the following items.
Personal Needs
Shampoo (travel size & large)
Conditioner (travel size & large)
Lotion (travel size & large)
Toothbrushes (single wrap)
Disposable Razors
Socks (Men’s sizes)
T-shirts (Men’s sizes L-XXXL)
Weekend Day Shelter
Styrofoam Plates
Styrofoam Cups
Plastic Forks
Plastic Spoons
Once a month, we provide either monthly lunch bags or take-home containers of soup. Volunteers can provide food for the bags or show up on second Saturdays to help assemble the lunches. Contact the church for a list of what is needed each month and to receive the monthly soup recipe.