You can donate to a single fund or multiple funds at the same time.
Member Pledges: Each year, members and friends pledge their support to the daily and ongoing ministries of the church. They choose whether to make their offerings weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.
Per capita: Each Presbyterian church pays its Presbytery a per capita amount for each of its members. The 2019 amount is $32.20 per member.
Member Non-Pledged Gifts: Not all members and friends make pledges, some give on a regular or intermittent basis as they are able and as God moves them to do so. These gifts can be made here.
Special Presbyterian Offerings: Throughout the year there are four special missions that Eastminster collects along with other Presbyterian churches. These include One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peace and Global Witness and Christmas Joy.
Elevator Fund: Eastminster took out a loan in order to install an elevator to accommodate those who need it. Donations to help pay off that loan can be made here.
Special Music Fund: Eastminster has always celebrated worship with beautiful music. This fund was established to help bring in guest musicians, buy music repair instruments and contribute to the vitality of the music program.
Memorial Fund: Many times when someone dies, they leave behind a request that money be donated to the church in their name rather than everyone sending flowers to the funeral. These gifts are collected and special purchases are made in the memory of the person who passed. Once you have made your donation, please email the church at and let us know in whose name the donation is being made.
Sanctuary Flowers: Each week flowers are placed in the chancel. For $35, you can dedicate those flowers to someone’s memory, to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or to honor someone still living. Once you have paid, please email the church who the dedication is to and for what Sunday. The email is
UKirk at MSU: UKirk at MSU ministers to college students at MSU and LCC. They gather for fellowship every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. as well as engage in other events throughout the year including mission trips, retreats, local events, meals, and leading worship. Donations go to help support this ministry.
Endowment Fund: Donations to the endowment fund are invested to help secure the long-term financial stability of the church. Interest from the fund is used to help with the operational expenses of the church.
Visitor Donations: Donations from visitors are always welcome.