While COVID-19 moved our meetings and gatherings to Zoom, we will be continuing to use this as a tool for gathering.
Zoom is a video conferencing tool that is easy to use and lets us all talk to one another.
For a tutorial on how to join a Zoom conference, go here.
If you can’t access Zoom through the internet you can call into the meeting. You won’t be able to see folks, but you’ll still be able to listen and contribute. To do this call: 646-876-9923. It will then prompt you to enter the meeting number.key. The meeting number for Wednesdays at 8am is 182-851-481. The meeting number for Wednesdays at 11am is 505-652-193. Coffee hour meeting number is 962-122-234. After you enter the meeting number press the # key.
Advice from Eastminster members on using Zoom:
From Robin:
It’s really easy if you follow the link provided. Make sure you click the buttons at the bottom of the screen allowing use of the camera and microphone. And if you don’t have a camera you can still join in on the meeting by voice. It can be done on a computer, tablet, or phone. It might feel intimidating at first. And it can be easy to get frustrated if things don’t work out perfectly right away. But if you stay patient and keep at it you can do it! It really is worth it. It is amazing to feel the calm and release of anxiety that comes with being able to actually see the friendly faces of our church family. And they need to see yours too.
From Mary:
I was on my phone and it worked well. I fumbled a bit at first because the options at the bottom of the screen appear & disappear. I had to be quick to click on what I wanted. It helps that the host can guide us.
From Norm:
I agree with what Robin says but add if I can do it, anybody can do it! Plus its sorta fun!!
From Sam:
Echoing Norm, it is fun! We had a great discussion with fellowship and laughter. We affirmed that we are not alone, that God is with us, but also we are with each other. It is an opportunity to share prayer requests and fears, delve into scripture, not to mention seeing your peeps on the screen. Zoom Bible Study is chicken soup for the soul. Join us! You can choose to be on camera or just audio. “You are not alone, I am with you.”
From Sara:
If you have issues with audio, check to make sure your microphone and speakers aren’t on mute.